Haitian Homeopathy Students Eager to Test Skills at Clinic
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Another wonderful day in Haiti. The day began with plenty of wonder—what would clinic be like? Tony, the facility manager at the OPL Center wondered if people would actually show up. Ruja and Rami wondered if their homeopathic skills would match the needs of the people of Haiti. Karen and I wondered if the students’ participation in seminar, which had surpassed our expectations, would equal their clinical skills.
Arriving at the center just after 8:30 a.m., we were greeted by early arriving students eager to get to work. Within minutes, the team was busy setting up the clinic. There were three stations for taking cases, the dispensary table and two waiting areas–one for children and the other for adults. Just past 9 am, we were off and running! By then the room must have had 40 people waiting to receive care. Each station with a homeopath, 2 to 3 students, and a translator–all huddled around to listen to the needs of the client.
We all worked passionately until about 1 p.m. A short break for lunch and a return to clients with the rhythm of a practiced team left me no doubt–this was extraordinary. We finished our last cases just after 3 pm and congratulated our team as we wrapped up this successful day.
How wonderful it was to work with Haitian student homeopaths as they offered homeopathic care to over 70 people. How wonderful for all of us to come together–some of us working as fast as we could, others waiting so patiently.
~ Holly Manoogian, CCH, Executive Director HWB
Another wonderful day in Haiti. The day began with plenty of wonder—what would clinic be like? Tony, the facility manager at the OPL Center wondered if people would actually show up. Ruja and Rami wondered if their homeopathic skills would match the needs of the people of Haiti. Karen and I wondered if the students’ participation in seminar, which had surpassed our expectations, would equal their clinical skills.
Arriving at the center just after 8:30 a.m., we were greeted by early arriving students eager to get to work. Within minutes, the team was busy setting up the clinic. There were three stations for taking cases, the dispensary table and two waiting areas–one for children and the other for adults. Just past 9 am, we were off and running! By then the room must have had 40 people waiting to receive care. Each station with a homeopath, 2 to 3 students, and a translator–all huddled around to listen to the needs of the client.
We all worked passionately until about 1 p.m. A short break for lunch and a return to clients with the rhythm of a practiced team left me no doubt–this was extraordinary. We finished our last cases just after 3 pm and congratulated our team as we wrapped up this successful day.
How wonderful it was to work with Haitian student homeopaths as they offered homeopathic care to over 70 people. How wonderful for all of us to come together–some of us working as fast as we could, others waiting so patiently.
~ Holly Manoogian, CCH, Executive Director HWB